We participate in a variety of events for important causes.
Build partner of Habitat for Humanity since 2009
Volunteer set carpenters for two local non-profit theatre companies, multiple seasons
Charity Dragon Boat Race in Support of Autism Ontario
Habitat for Humanity
Since 2009, Ferndale Trim has been a recognized Build Partner with Habitat for Humanity Huronia division.
From Habitat for Humanity’s website:
Habitat for Humanity Huronia brings communities together to help families build strength, stability and independence through affordable homeownership. Habitat for Humanity’s vision is a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live.
Ferndale Trim contributes to this mission through the donation and installation of interior trim products. We also donate unused or discontinued materials direct to the Habitat for Humanity Restore, located on 128 Brock St in Barrie.
Talk Is Free Theatre
Since 2015, Ferndale has donated the material and fabrication of the sets for local non-profit Talk Is Free Theatre’s productions.
Notable sets include Darling of the Day (2015), Offline (2016), Candide, Amadeus (2017), The Gamblers, Newfie Electra, and Music For The Changing Voice (2018-2019).
UPCOMING PRODUCTIONS: Pal Joey (October 2019)
For all images:
Lighting and Set Design by Joe Pagnan
Construction by Ferndale Trim and Doors
Theatre By The Bay
In 2019, Ferndale donated the material and fabrication of the set for another Barrie non-profit theatre company, Theatre By The Bay, for their production of The Cenotaph Project. This production explored the stories of local Barrie residents who fought and perished in WW2, whose names are engraved on the cenotaph downtown.
From TBTB’s website:
Theatre by the Bay is a professional theatre company seeking to grow the Central Ontario arts community by empowering local theatre artists, engaging local audiences with high quality programming, and telling stories that engage the diverse peoples of Barrie and Central Ontario.
For all images:
Lighting and Set Design by Joe Pagnan
Construction by Ferndale Trim and Doors
Autism Ontario & Barrie Dragon Boat
For 3 years from 2015-2017, members of Ferndale Trim & Doors rowed in the Barrie Dragon Boat Festival, an annual charity event in support of multiple local charities. Each year we have raced in support of Autism Ontario, which offers resources, assistance and education surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder.
From Autism Ontario’s website:
Autism Ontario is dedicated to increasing public awareness about autism and the day-to-day challenges faced by individuals with autism, their families, and the professionals with whom they interact. The organization and its Chapters share common goals of providing information and education, supporting research, and advocating for programs and services for the autism community.
Each year, members of our staff who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder have participated in this race, as well as facilitated funding for this cause.
Barrie Food Bank
Once per year, Ferndale administration organizes a food drive at our retail location for the public and staff to donate products for those in need. All proceeds are donated directly to the Barrie Food Bank.
From the Barrie Food Bank website:
It is the mission of the Barrie Food Bank to provide temporary food relief to individuals and families of our community who are in need, and to serve as a resource to guide them along the road to self-sufficiency.
We have also brought our efforts to the community at large, by participating in the Barrie Food Bank’s Summer Food Drive in June of 2012. We raised 2700lbs of food for this cause, which contributed to an overall collection of over 100 000 lbs of donated goods!
How Can You Help?
If you’d like to participate in any of these initiatives, please contact us using the form below, or simply email, to learn more.
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to learn more!
Showroom Location
75 Hooper Rd. Barrie, Ontario
Store Hours
Monday - Friday: 7am - 5pm
Local: 705-739-9426
Toll Free: 1-866-904-TRIM
Fax: 705-739-5059